How to find a good automotive repair mechanic

Automotive parts

How to find a good automotive repair mechanic

Finding a good automotive repair mechanic that you can trust can be difficult especially if there are loads of companies available out there. To help you find a good automotive repair mechanic, we’ve pointed out the following characteristic that you should be looking out for when choosing the right one.

Knowledgeable on auto parts

You will need to look out for a mechanic that is knowledgeable about all kind of auto parts. Mechanics who are knowledgeable will know everything about the automotive from A to Z. To find out if your technician is knowledgeable you can simply ask some questions and see how they interact with you. You will be able to tell if they are knowledgeable just by seeing how engaged they are. If they are disengaged, they are most likely to not be knowledgeable in the area.

ASE certified

A mechanic who is certified ASE is proved to be a working professional in the automotive field. The ASE certificate requires for the mechanic to have two years of experience within the industry. The individual must also pass an examination that involves numerous subjects on automotive. The topics include air conditioning, engine performance, suspension and more. In addition, the certificate expires every five years. Therefore each technician is required to take the test after the five-year date.

Company with good reputation

The things to look out for in a good reputable company is their equipment, policies and their staff. Be sure that they have a good amount of modern equipment within their premises. You can check if the company hires workers with the ASE certificate by looking out for an ASE Blue Seal sign on their shop. The blue seal sign means that 75% of their staffs are qualified ASE. Checking their policy is also ideal as you will be able to know about their fees, guarantees and their rates.